Arranging babysitting through the app of kidarit how does it work

Arrange babysitting through the kidarit app, how does it work.

Recently I wrote an article about looking for a babysitter via the internet (or App) and then I wrote that I would be a bit hesitant about this myself. After all, you do not know who you get in the house and leave with your children.

Looking for a babysitter close to home

At the stores or at school I sometimes see babysitting services offered by girls about fifteen or sixteen years old. Very nice and good. I used to babysit myself. I used to babysit my neighbor’s children and got to know other places through them.

Yet it always stayed with people I knew personally.There where I went babysitting. I have never looked after strangers. Well, of course, things were very different in the old days. (I’m talking about almost thirty years ago).

Totally contemporary

Nowadays everything is easier, of course, but also faster. You used to plan a lot more. Often you knew all your appointments days in advance and could easily arrange a babysitter.

Now we live much more in the moment and babysitting stress is still sometimes present. Also, everything these days is arranged with a whats-app or other mobile message. Hence, this babysitting App is not so crazy at all.

How the Kidarit® App works

But how does this work? Find the answers on the Kidarit® website. And I also understand why they wanted me to know this.

In the App you work with an existing and trusted network. At Kidarit they understand that there has to be a physical basis on which you CAN rely. Kidarit has developed an App where parents can organize their entire babysitting network in it. Especially the OWN trusted network can serve precisely for regular, flexible and last minute babysitting.

That can be family, your regular babysitters, friends of parents or your own Day Care center or Extracurricular center. All in one App.

  • You simply place a nanny request 24/7
  • Easy to use.
  • You use your own trusted network, i.e. people you know.
  • In a few seconds you have the App installed.
  • The app is free.

Kidarit® arranges your Kidsit in no time


They have also developed a special Pedagogical Assistant Booking platform for the childcare sector in which the Kidarit App is a part. You can then easily as a parent book a qualified PM’er (who are legally screened, know child first aid and are highly trained) at a rate that is lower than that the market of babysitting Apps now offer. This PM’er knows a profile with photo through the KDV portal ‘Kidarit at Home’.

Because, real service starts with offering it!

The core values

Transparency is one of Kidarit’s core values. Kidarit sincerely believes in bringing ‘Childcare at Home’ to a. Quality is in fact woven into child care; according to BOINK, quality of child care can be described as “that which makes care responsible”. Quality childcare means that children can develop in an optimal and especially safe manner.

The Pedagogical Staff and the children know each other, fixed faces, which is a nice idea for many parents when a babysitter needs to be found.

Who is Kidarit

Kidarit was founded in 2015 and based in The Hague, Netherlands. With an idea in their pocket, they built a platform that focuses on Service-to- average-Childcare. Focus on simplicity for parents and organizations has always prevailed during the development of Kidarit as a platform and with success.

Do you use a babysitter App? I am very curious about opinions on the use of babysitting apps what social foundation people here think is important for children? Especially the approach Kidarit takes?

Because a train ride can be disruptive, your car wrecked and totaled, but of course your babysitter for your child should never go wrong.

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