Looking for animals with the Animal Friends Flashlight

Looking for critters with the Animal Friends Flashlight

On our first long-distance trip with little man, we took a flashlight with us. We traveled through Sri Lanka for three weeks and every night the little man, armed with a flashlight, went looking for bugs. Frogs, toads, insects, lizards, he found them all.

Since We liked it so much that we repeated this scene during our trip to Costa Rica. Of course the little girl found this interesting too. If only we had had the Animal Friends Flashlight from Vtech back then.

Looking for animals with the Animal Friends flashlight

When dusk falls, the little man always finds it very interesting to look for animals. In the fall a trip around the forest to look for bats and in early spring see if the frogs are out of hibernation yet. During our travels to faraway places, this search takes on an extra dimension.

Armed with a flashlight you will find different critters than at home. We came across giant toads that still give me the creeps and in Costa Rica we even found a scorpion. All by sleuthing with the flashlight. The little girl found that little lamp also bar interesting.

Unfortunately we only brought one flashlight and sharing was not possible at that time. Once back from our last trip, however, I received a super fun product from Vtech.

Animal Friends Flashlight from Vtech

Looking for animals with the Animal Friends Flashlight

We were delighted with the Animal Friends Flashlight from Vtech. Just the packaging alone was cool, according to our little girl. After some struggling with scissors to get the flashlight out, she was allowed to go wild. All buttons were pressed, carpenter proof was tested and the lights were admired.

So far so good. The Animal Friends Flashlight is actually only suitable from 18 months onwards but it was also very nice for the little 8 month old girl.

The little man was also very charmed by this new toy. All the buttons were tried and tested to see if it worked properly in the dark pantry. The flashlight also passed the little man's test. Thankfully.

And mommy? Mommy also likes it a lot. As with almost all Vtech toys, the flashlight also has an educational note.

Children can learn the colors, sounds and names of animals and discover them playfully. Super fun toys.

Looking for animals with the animal friends flashlight

Keeping up to date?

Vtech is also active on Instagram. If you follow Vtech you can even get a chance to test products as well. Also keep up to date with all the developments and the beautiful toys.

So take a look and while you're at it, follow Bblogt.nl for a peek behind the scenes.

Does your child enjoy looking for bugs with the flashlight??


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